FDT-6000 Flail Delimber Combo
The FDT-6000 is a combination flail and pull-thru delimber. This package allows you the flexiblilty to quickly and economically delimb big stems or multiple smaller stems such as first thinnings. The flail system incorporates hydraulically powered high-speed drums with high-tensile chain to deliver the cleanest stem possible. This unit may be equipped with either the PTD-143, PTD-264, or PTD-264-NTS delimber head. The FDT-6000 chassis is capable of transporting either the DL-4200 or DL-4400 slasher saw. The FDT-6000 provides the total solution to your timber processing needs.
Product Details:
- Length … 33'-4" (400")
- Width … 8'-6" (102")
- Weight … 22,500 lbs.
- Height … 13'-2" (158")
*Note: Weights and dimensions also include a PTD-264 delimber.